


Chinese Legislation Delegation Visits the International Seabed Authority


On 11 September 2014, a Chinese delegation headed by Mr. Jiancai Jin, Secretary General, China Ocean Mineral Resources R & D Association of the People’s Republic of China (COMRA), visited the headquarters of the International Seabed Authority.

The delegation was composed of officials from the National People’s Congress of China and the China Institute for Marine Affairs.

Mr. Jiancai Jin and his delegation met with Secretary-General Nii Odunton, Michael Lodge, Deputy to the Secretary-General and senior ISA staff where Mr. Jin briefed the Authority on China's work in preparing new legislation for the exploration, development and management of deep sea resources.

The delegation was also hosted to a briefing session with presentations made by ISA officials on the structure and functions of the Authority, national legislation of ISA member States and the advisory opinion rendered in 2011 by the Seabed Disputes Chamber of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea.



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