



China this week presented the International Seabed Authority (ISA) with several pieces including models of research vessels and submersibles, for the Gallery established within the Secretariat of the Organization to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of its existence.

Ambassador Tian Qi, Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of China to ISA, handed the models over to the Secretary-General Mr. Michael W. Lodge at an official ceremony organized at the headquarters of ISA, in Kingston, Jamaica, on 25 June.  

Acknowledging the donation, Mr. Lodge highlighted the significant contribution China has made to the work of ISA over the last 25 years including through the support provided to the Endowment Fund for Marine Scientific Research and the Voluntary Trust Fund for members of the Legal and Technical Commission and Finance Committee.  

The Secretary-General also underlined the critical importance of such highly advanced technologies to increase the understanding and knowledge of deep-seabed ecosystems and functions, as well as improve resources assessment of seabed mineral deposits.

“We are deeply grateful to China for this generous contribution to the new ISA Gallery,” said Mr. Lodge.“These remarkable models provide valuable insight into the deep-sea technologies that are currently being used to advance deep seabed exploration in support of the effective management of ocean resources and building the knowledge we need to ensure protection of the common heritage of mankind.”

Ambassador Tian Qi further acknowledged China’s ongoing commitment to support the work of ISA and promote implementation of the principle of the common heritage of mankind to co-build a“Maritime Community with a Shared Future.” 

“The two research vessels and the three submersibles represent China's highest level of deep-sea technologies,” said Ambassador Tian Qi.“China is now trying its best to advance deep-sea technologies to improve the understanding of the international seabed in order to ensure a harmonious balance between the promotion of the exploitation of deep-sea mineral resource, and the protection of the deep-sea environment.” 

The ISA Gallery will be officially opened in the margins of the 25th Anniversary Session of ISA, which will be held during its annual session in Kingston, Jamaica, on 25th July 2019. 




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